REXANO Poster Gallery 1 of 3 pages

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Use them in your traveling educational or entertaining exhibit, pet store, veterinary office, schools, educate the public about the animal rights (AR) threat

To download, click under the images to choose the size: Small, Medium, Large

Small JPG 376 KB 600 x 750 pixels (2 x 2 1/2 in)
Medium PDF 2.6 MB (9.5 x 12 in)
Large JPG 6.1 MB 2880 x 3600 pixels (9.5 x 12in)
Small JPG  141 KB 600 x 750 pixels (2 x 2 1/2 in)
Medium PDF 2 MB (9.5 x 12 in)
Large JPG 1.6 MB 2880 x 3600 pixels (9.5 x 12in)
Small JPG 88 KB 600 x 750 pixels (2 x 2 1/2 in)
Medium PDF 752 KB (9.5 x 12 in)
Large JPG 571 KB 2880 x 3600 pixels (9.5 x 12in)
Small JPG 158 KB 600 x 750 pixels (2 x 2 1/2 in)
Medium PDF 3 MB (9.5 x 12 in)
Large JPG 2.5 MB 2880 x 3600 pixels (9.5 x 12in)
Small JPG 371 KB 600 x 750 pixels (2 x 2 1/2 in)
Medium PDF 1 MB (9.5 x 12 in)
Large JPG 2 MB 2880 x 3600 pixels (9.5 x 12in)
Small JPG 262 KB 600 x 694 pixels (2 x 2 1/2 in)
Medium PDF 1.6 MB (8.5 x 10 in)
Large JPG 2.6 MB 2550 x 2950 pixels (8.5 x 10in)
Small JPG 122 KB 480 x 800 pixels (2 x 2 1/2 in)
Medium PDF 4.5 MB (12 x 20 in)
Large JPG 10 MB 3360 x 5600 pixels (12 x 20 in)
Small JPG 204 KB 440 x 800 pixels (1.5 x 2 1/2 in)
Medium PDF 4 MB (15 x 27 in)
Large JPG 10 MB 2880 x 3600 pixels (15 x 27 in)
Small JPG 204 KB 600 x 776 pixels (3 x 4in)
Medium PDF 956 KB (8..5 x11 in)
Large JPG 1.72 MB 1700 x 2200 pixels (8.5 x 11 in)