
What is an 'animal use'?
Under US legal system, animals are considered property. Examples of different animal uses include: pet ownership, zoos, rodeos, therapy animals including guide dogs, law enforcement dogs, farming for food (eggs, milk, meat), farming for goods (leather, fur), 4-H programs, medical research, animals in entertainment and education, hunting and others.

What is the threat of AR movement? How will it cause pets to become extinct and end most if not all animal uses ?
By banning certain species or breeds of animals from private ownership, and by forcing spay/neuter laws, many types of animals will be regulated to eventual extinction. By outlawing certain farming practices, or making government regulations so extremely expensive to comply with that animal farmers will either go bankrupt or will have to raise meat, eggs, milk and leather prices extremely high, only very rich will be able to afford it. As a result, most of us will be forced to become vegans and will not be able to keep and feed most of our animals. Many captive animals are strict carnivores, and feeding carnivore a vegan diet in itself is considered abusive and will lead to an eventual premature death. This process will lead to an eventual pet, and any other animal use, extinction.


Pet Version Animal Use Version
AR Movement Poster
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Disclaimer: not all animal rights groups mentioned above take position on all animal uses mentioned in these posters. To find out the exact mission and position statement of a particular group, contact them directly.